Conspiracies |
Company : Cookie Time Date : 30 April 2001 Website : Allegation : Corrupt sales tactics |
Cookie Time Exposed |
The 'Innocent' Email Enquiry Help! I'm stuck over in Australia (silly me for accepting a job over here) and they don't have any Cookie Time cookies over here :( Every time I pop back home, I grab at least 3 bags of the Broken cookie bits, but unfortunately those only last a couple of days (apparently the Aussies over here don't mind eating them either) and it is costing me a fortune to fly to NZ each time just to get a decent cookie. Oh, and Australian customs must think I am pretty weird by now ;-) Any chance of entering the Australian market any time soon? Hungrily yours, Gerard. (PS. I just framed the last empty bag, and it now hangs in my guest bedroom - it should help against getting homesick) (PPS. Carry on the fine work!) The corrupt company's Reply Hi Gererd, You've actually stumbled across a secret government plot to get kiwis to come back to NZ!.... they've banned us from selling in Oz - if we did, there'd be no reason for you guys to come home (well, apart from family, friends, beautiful clean green countryside etc etc). So the plan is to starve kiwis living overseas of Cookie Time until they become so desperate that they just HAVE to come home! We also don't send cookies overseas for logistical reasons (mainly cost & freshness issues) - so I'm afraid you're stuck! Thanks for getting in touch. Kind Regards, Cookie Muncher |