Old Musings - January 2004
12 Jan 04
Well, I'm back in Australia again, sweltering away in that good old Christmas weather. Thought I'd make the most of it and spend some time taking some snaps of some of the local wildlife I had pretty much ignored till now (well, until one of them bites you anyway).
So, I've been taking photos down at the local Botanic (Botanical? - who knows) Gardens taking photos of things like dragonflies, cicada and Superb Fairy wrens. But just to show that I needn't go that far - also got some good shots of Rainbow Lorikeets and Weebills just off my balcony..
And while I'm on the topic, you've just gotta love the Ozzie name for their birds. Obviously Weebills have a small bill. Just like Willy Wagtails have a tendency to wag their tails. Not sure I want to know how the Peewee got its name though (and just to make sure that you don't think I'm making this stuff up, I'll try and get some photos of the two species in the next month or so).
I don't know if anyone is counting, but I now have in excess of 1000 photos online! Wohoo!. That's almost an average of one photo every day since I started this (a quick glance over at the archives of my ramblings shows a starting date way back in May 2001 sometime).
Unfortunately, all of this has also put me over the magical 100Mb mark, so it looks like I'm going to have to either start throwing stuff away - or start forking over more money.
Personally I'm all for option b). Less work on my part and the potential of being able to put up some full size (3072x2048) and/or wallpaper size (1280x1024) photos up for people to gawk at - all three of yas. ;-)
If you're interested or have an opinion one way or other, please let me know. Would you be interested in some higher resolution photos?
Enough for now. Getting sleepy.
-Gerard out.